Your Historic Home
The City of Lead is on the United States National Register of Historic Places. As part of that designation almost every home in the community has been surveyed as to its historical significance and unique architecture.
Lead’s designation on the National Register of Historic Places includes a portion of the community as a Historic District. This recognition was achieved in 1974. The Historic District includes the downtown Lead area and portions of the surrounding community.
To achieve and sustain this designation the City of Lead and the South Dakota Office of Historic Preservation surveyed all of the existing homes in the community. These surveys included comments on architecture, location and preservation.
The survey summaries are available in the Lead Historic Preservation Plan and the complete surveys are available at the Hearst Free Library in downtown Lead.
“Cotton House” | Est. 1901
Lead Historic Preservation
Lead City Hall
801 W Main St
Lead, SD 57754
(605) 581-1401